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Thursday, 23 December 2010

Scene 2

Emily level. Looking unamused as the duke admires his reflection in the diamond. It's amazing how much this scene changed from the first blocking I did.

Now I just need to power through the Duke level and I miiiiight just stay on schedule...

Also, for the record, that diamond was a bugger. It's drawn on a different level, on 2's, and will be inbetweened on 1s for purdiness. :D

1 comment:

  1. Well done, easily some of your best work. The movement on the right hand is workin so much better now. (also the effort on the diamond is noticeable).


All material is copyright. The Flying Duchess website and project design © 2010 John Harkins, Freya Hotson, Kieran Baxter - please add target="_blank" to links.