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Monday, 22 February 2010

"The music in a film cannot stand as simply music to fill the void, it has to have a voice of its own. Knowing this, the music can also never be entirely separate from the film. Again, there have been some wonderful pieces that have stemmed from film scores, but I believe that the term, "film score" implies that both the film and the music must walk that path hand in hand. One cannot thrive without the other." John Powell

A nice wee quote on the importance of integrating the sound track from John Powell's Myspace page. It's his music from the Borne films I dumped on the aniamtic- this sort of clasical influence with a twist might be a good one to persue when it comes to it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Sharon mentioned 'leit motif' in the cinematography lecture, which is a recurring musical theme related to each character. I know the film is short, but we may be able to set this up, a way of guiding our score, perhaps not, worth thinking about though.


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